What Do I want? is overrated, instead, ask this question

When I was in my mid-20s, as soon as I started earning good money, I would spend a lot of time thinking…

What do I want?

As far as I remember, ‘I wanted a better position in my company’, ‘I wanted to travel better, fully paid by the company, and, if I get lucky, ‘I wanted to live in a better house, facing the ocean.

I mean, there is nothing wrong with this stuff if it is moving one forward to feel real about their lives. However, focusing on playing the game of ‘what’ is a fool’s game.

In my quest to get the best from life, I have found that there is a more powerful question in the world than the ‘whats’ and ‘whys’ of life. In fact, if you want to master your life, ask the question, ‘Who’

‘Who are you becoming?

Are you becoming more innovative in life than yesterday?

Are you becoming a better parent than yesterday?

Are you becoming a better entrepreneur than yesterday?

Are you becoming a better mind, body, and soul than yesterday?

Are you becoming a better version of yourself than yesterday?

Are you becoming more powerful than yesterday?

So I asked myself a question three years ago, ‘Who’ do I want to become?

1. Someone who loves, respects, and holds pride in being who she is and doesn’t feel the need to be accepted and validated.

2. Someone who is focused and intentional about whatever she wants in her life. Living every day on her own terms and making decisions based on her values.

3. Someone who believes in creating empowering stories for herself every time she fails or gets stopped in life.

4. Someone whose actions, work, and story inspire people who want to live an intentional life that brings purpose and productivity.

Today, I think I am a better version of myself. I feel more power in this version of myself. The one focused on upgrading herself with better features every six months, just like the perfect updated phone that one likes to buy.