For me, most mornings of my 25 years have been all about rushing in the ‘First 45 minutes’. I would be rushing for college, office, serving the family, or speeding to meet the unimportant commitments for the day. The ‘First 45 minutes’ has been all about the outside world, trying to create or fix the external system to function, reach life goals, and most importantly appear successful. However, none of it ever impacted positively and life remained mundane until I discovered a secret to change.
Two years back when I was contemplating on how I wish to live my next 30 years that is adventurous, purposeful, and contributing, I unexpectedly stumbled on the realization that the next 30 years reflects in my ‘First 45 minutes’ of the morning. I was sure that it will be definitely not anymore about creating and fixing the external world but about going deep and discovering my internal world.
I further chose to read books and watch videos of some inspiring people of the word and to my surprise, I found that these people had one thing common in their habit and that was they valued their first few hours of the day most. Their morning routine defined them more than the money or success of the world. The first 45 minutes of work on their mindset and health set defined their day, month, years, and then their life.
To me now the ‘First 45 minutes’ of the day is all about an internal journey of discovering my health, peace, and purpose. I find it a perfect opportunity of the day to get into my pink bubble of focus to build a mind and heart that is anti-fragile to any experiences that life throws. Having a strong morning routine of focused ‘First 45 minutes’ has become important action of my life. I now strongly believe that it defines my today and tomorrow.
Nice post..