The Art of letting Go

Letting go of all the attachments is the key to freedom. It means one is disease-free, poverty-free, and conflict-free.

Your breath is a gateway to knowing your body, mind, and spirit. You have an inner circle of radiation in the center of your heart. The heart knows what you crave. Cravings are attachments. Carvings are suffering. The resistance to these carvings is suffering.

Letting go of all the cravings and bringing awareness to your breath releases the suffering. The mind is connected to the heart through breath. The mind is a good listener to your breath, but not to your heart. Your breath is a vacuum where your spirits exist.

The hidden spirits communicate through vibrations. Vibrations are vocabulary-free. It is just pure vibration. These vibrations have pulsing energy with hidden information. The messages have emotions in the form of desires or pains. The spirits want to communicate with you. It wants you to be attuned to their pain and desire as they are stuck in your body. It wants you to free them from your breath—the vacuum. Free them from the earthly vibrations.

The disease or illness of your body is resting in the pain and desires of the spirits. It grows when we dismiss it or when we  immune it. The spirits want you to release them from your body. It only releases when you listen to the vibrations of the spirits.

The only way to set them free is through love. When you close your eyes and add love to your eyes, you can start listening to them. Your breath is filled with love; it fills your heart and mind with love—the divine love.

Make your heart and mind blossom with divine love.

Divine love is your source of non-attachment.

Take a moment right now and let go of all the attachments to yes or no. Nothing in this world can ever travel with you.

Release the vibrations with people, things, and experiences. Be quiet, be silent, and be you. Listen to your body. The answers to all your questions are in the body. The body that is calm, relaxed, and non-vibrating is the divine body with the ability to let go.