Our breath creates and recreates our experiences

Have you ever thought about why despite your best efforts you find it difficult to change or handle your negative thoughts about certain people, situations, or past experiences? In fact, sometimes you may notice that when everything is going alright and positive, you experience a sudden void or discomfort in your space.

This is because our life experiences are shaped in accordance with the environment we are breathing. Does it sound confusing?

Let me share a personal experience. I was surprised to know how my breath was impacting my life.

In my last corporate stint, I faced a lot of corporate politics. As soon as I entered the organization, I sensed a high level of insecurity among the staff. This is because each one was trying to catch the attention of the leader whose interest was in watching and supervising the competition. The pitfall of this environment was that everyone was busy competing for attention or ganging up against the ones who stood out or do no serious work. In spite of having a positive mind, skilled and strategic at work, my body and mind always went into defensive mode. The environment was pumped with fear, it was designed to develop insecurities and create distractions irrespective of how positively you are motivated, the environment will overpower the person’s characteristics. The problem was the impact. I would breathe in this space for 8โ€“10 hours every day sensing fearful thinking, competing with colleagues, and giving back to the backstabbers. The sensations would get absorbed in my breath and I would carry the same to home, unconsciously breathing at the same pace, making the experience fluctuate in other areas too.

What I have learned is that our experiences in a particular environment are absorbed by our breathing at that period of time. If you’re breathing in an environment that is constantly causing fear, anxiety, or abuse, you are likely to capture the same inside your body. Because it gets absorbed by your breath as sensations transferring to the body and mind. The universal theory and the master algorithm of reality is

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Our childhood, adolescence, and our adulthood are built on this algorithm, hence certain emotions are difficult to eliminate as they are absorbed in our breath. It is not our fault that we aren’t able to change it, it doesn’t change until an intervention.

One of the ways to turn your breath into your favor is by changing or redesigning the environment. An environment where the breathing is in favor of your being, skill, talent, and thoughts. It is important to remember what kind of environment you are currently breathing in. If you are spending your time where there is constant blame or hatred, then your breath absorbs the same and creates that experience for yourself and others. But if your environment is loving and compassionate, it is easier for you to stick to your natural self and make it to your advantage.


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