3 Habits that can help women lead confidentely at work and home

So how did a person like me, who did well in life but was still struggling with poor self-esteem, confusion, and feeling overwhelmed most days, become a person with clarity, do and get things exactly as I planned, and live a confident life? Someone who completely changes her trajectory of life from being miserable to living with freedom.

Doing things that I describe as my progress, eating what I desire, and spending time with people I love. Enjoy success every day!

That is because I learned that confidence is not about how successful you are in life; it is about how clear you are in life.

So, What is self-confidence? Well, the dictionaries of the world say that self-confidence is all about trusting your skills, abilities, and judgments with a sense of control.

Well, for me, self-confidence is all about clarity. Knowing who you are is what you want. and what you don’t want? Simple. Because clarity breeds confidence. Confidence automatically shows up when you are clear about your own thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

Right now, everything in your head is confusing. There are some things that you believe in, but others around you don’t. There is a mismatch in your environment. For instance, currently, you feel that your 9-to-5 job is affecting your physical and mental health, but then others around you advise you to be strong, say that you are too emotional, or say you must not lose your income; otherwise, nobody will value you. This way of living currently is kind of frustrating and may be impacting you.

So what is something that you can do to eliminate or reduce this kind of situation in your life?

Well, there are 3 habits that you can slowly develop to get clarity in life.

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The first way to bring clarity in life is by building the habit of being honest and transparent with yourself and others. We all have a habit of telling white lies to ourselves. This is because we want to deny something about ourselves. For instance, if you are stuck and overwhelmed, you must communicate and not suppress or cover it with laughter or a casual approach.

If certain things in your life are not working, then be honest about it for yourself and others. Be honest about your strengths, weaknesses, past, present, and future when interacting with people. When you speak honestly, it is easy to express yourself correctly, but when you hide, lie, or manipulate, you become busy managing yourself in communication.

This is like managing two strings of thoughts in your mind. This is energy-draining.

Remember, life is an exact mirror of you. If you lie and hide, you attract similar kinds of people who treat you that way. But if you are honest and transparent in your life, only the best one stays with you forever.

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Goals are important because they give direction to your thoughts, actions, and behavior. Goals are also a clear indication of what you want in life. I remember the day I came across this quote, and since then I haven’t looked back.

If you don’t have your own dreams and goals, you will live fulfilling others’ dreams and goals.

It is about prioritizing yourself first; otherwise, someone else will prioritize you in their life.

So I think, big or small, you must find out what you want in life and then take steps towards achieving it.

Keep them simple; there may be 3 goals around the below areas, like

How do you want to look after 5 years?

How much are you earning in 5 to 10 years?

Where do you want to travel in the next 3–5 years?

Simple and achievable goals They need not have to be big ones or ones of others.

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Now that you know that you have a habit of honesty and have some set goals in life, The only thing that will protect your clarity is building the habit of Saying No.

Saying No is important because, when you start working on these habits, trust me, you will find many people and situations that will tempt you to put your guard down or go off track. They will come in the form of distraction, temptation, or force. But if you have your mind completely focused on your goals, nothing will shake you. You just need to say a powerful No. Trust me, nobody can force you to do things that you don’t like. Always remember that when forced, you make more mistakes in situations.

We only say yes because we are too afraid to lose it. But if you have your own goals and dreams clear in your mind, The loss will not make much sense.

Always remember, Saying no is choosing courage over fear.