Meditation is a practice of living after death

If you have noticed, most of my writing is direct. This is because, more than others, these writings are mostly for self. It’s my way of talking to myself 1-on-1. In my blogs, I don’t just talk to you; I also talk to myself.
Today’s writing is a direct way of telling myself some truths about life. I mean to look beyond the shallow mind, survival tactics, petty argumentative wins, and worldly possessions.

It asks me to look at life very deeply and discover the true purpose of life.

In my experience, my recent mediation session, in my opinion, clearly pointed out two reasons for our existence in the world.

1. To settle our accounts (karma) with other people.
2. Prepare for life after death.

Many, including myself, have always found it true that mediation is a positive spiritual practice that helps you attain peace, calm, or focus in life. It trains your mind to liberate itself from the knowledge of self or, at the very least, make successful progress towards taking control of or dissolving thoughts. In fact, multiple disciplines further aid the human race with worldly gains through the use of this spiritual tool.

For the sake of simplicity, let’s say that the path of mediation is a way to self-realization.

I mean, I don’t deny the fact that mediation does offer these benefits to humankind. Although it is helping us to become highly self-evolved people, its true purpose is to train us into becoming inconceivable person who still lives at their highest self, even after death.

Well, here are some explanations for why I say that:

1. Death is boring, and so is mediation; there is nothing to aspire to or desire at its highest state. It’s just the experience of living in a vacuum.

A vacuum represents inaction but has sensations in space. The more one practices living in a vacuum, the more one is at peace.

2. Why is it important to clear our karma here? It’s because, in the death state, we are left with nothing but the sensations that we exchanged on the Earth plane.

If we have felt hate, greed, or guilt, we carry these sensations with no information.

This state is highly confusing for the person; hence, we are likely to experience suffering after death.

3. Meditation is also a way of educating ourselves every day to practice love over attachments for elevation.
Attachments to things, people, or situations get registered by the intellect, and these emotions cannot be satisfied as they don’t exist after death.

whereas spiritual love is the highest spiritual emotion that exists after death. Practicing spiritual love automatically brings a person into alignment with the highest realm after death.

In my opinion, I believe that practicing mediation for worldly gains is small-minded thinking. Alternatively, it should be practiced to become a supreme person who wishes to continue to live in the realm of ultimate heaven.