Garbage in Garbage out!

Lately I have been in a journey of self-discovery and I have been really determined to find out what really makes me the way I am today. How this sudden and simple change in perspective has been helping me to solve problems and produce desired results in my personal and professional life.

I was trying to observe and evaluate, what are the prime factors that has been contributing me to evolve as a person with time. I was able to figure out that it was just one strategic shift in my choice is helping me grow and live a life the way I want to live.

The choice is simple, it is the choice of Consumption.

The choice of consumption means what I am daily feeding my body. What ingredients I am putting in my body? Is it poor quality junk ingredients or rich and high vibrational greens? These ingredients are nothing but information in form of nutritional content that enters the body then get absorbed by our cells and thus become our body composition. Hence it has become important for me to supervise what quality of input goes into my body so that I get a desired output.

But this principle is not just limited to the food we eat. This truth is visible in other areas where we choose to consume: like television, internet content, books, websites, entertainment, just to name a few. Again the information acts as ingredients which we feed our mind to process, absorb and compose.

Think about it, if you choose to read books or watch YouTube content or follow a mentor educating on having a powerful life and business strategies, your mind is likely to sharpen and you will be focused on making them realize in your life too, because now your operate from those possibilities of world view. If your input is high quality content your output will be high quality results.

We can use this awareness at our advantage not just limiting it to body and mind, but also while selecting (consuming) our relationships and its influence in our life. For example, if you are looking for life partner with whom you wish to spend your life. Find out what kind of inputs the person feeds into his mind, body and soul, because that will determine the kind of output the person gives out to the world. Like what does the person chooses to read, watch or what kind of the inner circle he spends his or her time. If the quality of input absorbed by person is high quality, we are too are likely to have a high quality of life with the person. It really becomes easier to decide because the output of the person can be manipulated or a false veil can be created externally, but if you really investigate in depth about the input, the person will be unable to give a lie or manipulate if you really do an accurate read.

If you see from a technical point of view, a person is like a processor, the choice of data the processor uses determines the output of the data. It’s never the processors fault, it’s the data that got inside makes the whole output change. Hence it’s called Garbage in and Garbage out.


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