Intentional living woman: A 5-Day FREE Fitness and Nutrition Training Program

Intentional Living Woman: A 5-Day Free Fitness and Nutrition Training Program

Intentional living woman fitness and nutrition is a 5-day free training program for women that help women start their fitness and nutrition journey to double their energy, create rock-solid habits and get into their desired shape without any fad diets, extreme workouts, or sacrificing the joys of life. 

The program is designed specifically for women who have been waiting for something that is easy, flexible and builds their body confidence instantly without making compromises at work and family.

I used to think that to get lose weight or get a super fit body, you had to constantly lift weights in gym, have equipment or get into workout studios and do full body workout every day.

No. You just need 35 minutes, 5 days a week at the convenience of your home. 

That’s why I created this 5-day free fitness and nutrition program that follows a workout split (targeting specific muscle groups) that will help you lose weight, target your body areas, build stamina while providing appropriate time for rest and muscle recovery.