Choosing Ayurveda to live a natural and sustainable life.

My journey with veganism started simply with a view of having a healthy diet. I thought it would just help me lose weight and I will inherit a food habit that will be low in fat, calories, and cholesterol. Never had I thought in my dreams that a plant-based diet will take me towards becoming a person with sustainable choices in life.

I was addicted to impulse shopping, especially skincare and cosmetics. I was trapped in the black hole of online shopping and ticking off the greatest deals became my accomplishment of the day. The latest phone, the branded dress, and make-up, the shiny nails were not just products in my world, but they were whispering to me what I could become if I had them. Until I realized that I don’t need them to define who I am and will be in life.

Last year when I was doing my research on alternative ways of living, I got introduced to Ayurveda and the benefits of choosing natural and sustainable options for our mind, body, and soul. I chose to educate myself; I chose to revisit this ancient education and practices that were in balance with Mother Nature. I was surprised to find out that more than 50% of our daily consumption can be easily solved by Ayurveda thereby reducing 50% waste per person in the environment. I got myself certified in ayurvedic cosmetology and started to make products that are natural, vegan, and sustainable in nature as my first step towards living sustainably. Now there is no urge for the greatest deals but a constant curiosity to find the greatest way to keep a sustainable life.

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