
The simplicity of mindful walking helped me regain my physical and mental health

I never liked going for walks, because it was too simple and would find a walking activity for the elderly and not “young people” like me. Most years, I would enroll in a gym and would quit within two months of my fitness resolution. The thought of getting up at 6 am and dragging for

The simplicity of mindful walking helped me regain my physical and mental health Read More »

The First 45 minutes of the day are time for self love and self-discovery.

For me, most mornings of my 25 years have been all about rushing in the ‘First 45 minutes’. I would be rushing for college, office, serving the family, or speeding to meet the unimportant commitments for the day. The ‘First 45 minutes’ has been all about the outside world, trying to create or fix the

The First 45 minutes of the day are time for self love and self-discovery. Read More »