3 business lessons learned in just Rs. 6559.

I recently joined a gym to advance my fitness level as I have been keen to increase my stamina and endurance. To my shock, the training shoe bought last year got torn within a year of use. Being a minimalist, every new purchase to me is clutter to my space when used and waste in the world after use, hence durability and formation of any product play a very critical role to make any new purchase.

In spite of having pretty strong control over my purchasing behavior, I found an immediate urge to get the shoe issue resolved, hence went out shopping.

With a budget of 4K, I went to the first store and found a 30% discount on the clearance shoe range and also offered an additional 20% discount on two purchases. A good 50% discount on things is not only tempting but also a sensible choice, right? but my heart didn’t say anything like Hell yes! Go for it Shabana.

Lesson 1: Discounts cannot tempt people to buy old and clearance stuff in the name of the sale. A conscious consumer chooses quality over price.

The next stop was a store adjacent to it. Found a similar shoe bought last year but at a lesser price. This means Rs. 4559 shoe was now available at Rs. 3559 with variations in color. Somewhere, my intention of buying decent stuff around my budget was resolved. I mean who doesn’t want to still look cool and continue to wear the same stuff at a lesser price? But my heart didn’t say Hell yes! Same thing, but at a lesser price go for it Shabana!

Lesson 2: Lesser price or variations of the previous choice doesn’t compel people to buy. The first purchase can be persuaded, but the repeat purchase happens only on value.

After one hour of struggle, I end up thinking of buying the same shoe at a lesser price but thought to give myself a last chance. Found a third shoe but it was more than my set budget. This means this one was Rs.6,599. Loved the color, loved the fit, and the feel. But my heart didn’t say Hell yes again! Check the price Shabana it’s beyond your budget?

Almost decided to go for the 2nd shoe as it checked all the boxes. To my surprise, I noticed the box of the third shoe mentioned that the shoe was made of recycled plastic. This is when my heart screamed Hell yes! It is exactly what you believe in, go for it Shabana!

Lesson 3: People pay for something that is in alignment with their beliefs. Even if meant paying 2X or more. People don’t buy things, they buy their beliefs.

Most of the time you will find the world throwing you ideas, situations, products, services, and information, and every acceptance is valid. This is because you choose anything in your life because you believe in it. Good or bad. Right or wrong. Every choice is your belief.

Ask me which brand I bought.


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