3 hacks to become super woman

I was recently complimented by a male friend on how my work and productivity are becoming an example of being a superwoman’. How successfully I take out time to manage my family, work on my businesses, and write books and blogs while still making time for self-care?

In my mind, a compliment like this made me burst into laughter.

This is because, in reality, itโ€™s funny. I mean, I still struggle with my ingrained beliefs that I am not giving enough time to my family, not producing great things, or 100% bang-on my self-care.

I still struggle with the thought of having to work harder to prove my worth in my workplace. I need to accept the unequal pay, thinking I am not credible enough. Many times, I sacrifice my personal growth for family growth.
Well, it doesnโ€™t have to be this way anymore.

That said, although we all come from different backgrounds and we all operate differently, I now understand that there are some universal productivity habits that women from all walks of life can adopt and become that ‘superwoman’ in their world.

I have personally discovered that these three habits, when adopted by busy working women, can seamlessly bring work-life balance with ease.

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Are you feeling overweight and overwhelmed at the same time? The answer is really simple. You lack knowledge of nutrition.

Working women often end up overeating or cutting down on eating because they are constantly afraid of weight gain. This results in consuming more or less calories due to an irregular proportion of food without valuing the right ingredients.

๐Œ๐ฒ ๐š๐๐ฏ๐ข๐œ๐ž: I have noticed that even though figuring out meals seems harmless, it really impacts the mental health of a woman. It is a stressful task as she needs to maintain family food preferences. It is an everyday battle that she needs to win.

If you want to be confident in the kitchen, meal prep can be a great teacher. Keeping a meal calendar, buying ingredients in bulk, freezing extra food, and calculating the meal proportion in advance can be a game changers for your health goals.

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The basic problem with most women is that they often get engaged in tasks or work that are not their highest priorities, be it at work or home. This simple unconscious choice pulls most of us into unproductive work, often coming from the urge to do everything or to please everyone.

๐Œ๐ฒ ๐š๐๐ฏ๐ข๐œ๐ž: Try to figure out what task matters to you the most and what tasks can be outsourced or delegated eg: At work, keep decision-making with yourself and delegate small priority work like emailing, meetings or inter-departmental coordination with others. At home, some of the house chores, like grocery shopping, can be automated, cleaning can be outsourced, or basic cooking can be delegated.

Once you know that, donโ€™t be afraid to push, delegate, or say no to the requests and get into doing high-priority work that gives you a chance to focus on bigger goals for your home or office.

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Any idea why we take rests between reps in workouts? This answer is simple again. It allows your body to recover and rebuild the energy for the next set.

Our mind is also a muscle; when it is stretched for a longer period of time, it gets overwhelmed by work, tends to procrastinate, or struggles with concentration.

๐Œ๐ฒ ๐š๐๐ฏ๐ข๐œ๐ž: Rest time for your mind and body is just as important as exercise. Super-active well-being is incomplete without recovery time. Taking regular 5- to 10-minute breaks every 45 minutes can help you recover, accomplish tasks faster, and get out of the vicious cycle of being productive 24/7.