23 lessons learnt in 2023

1. Be the client you desire for your own business.

2. Impermanence is an answer to internal happiness in life.

3. When everything is measured in numbers, the confusion disappears.

4. Don’t follow any diet; eat everything but in proportion.

5. An entrepreneur need not justify his or her business progress to a salaried friend.

6. Your family and relatives are your tribe, even if you don’t vibe.

7. Invest in your personal growth. Become internally gorgeous first.
Clothes. Make-up and shiny objects can wait.

8. Your children copy you. Become a good example.

9. You can buy happiness, but you cannot buy peace of mind.

10. I read 10 self-development books this year only to find that
self-confidence is all about living with 0% shame.

11. I stopped overthinking because now I love my thinking.

12. Physical and mindset training can immediately transform your life.

13. The oxytocin hormone is the key to a loyal and sustained relationship.

14. If you want to live focused, become the gatekeeper of your five senses.

15. Everything we have achieved on this earth is not our efforts but our ancestor’s blessings in material form.

16. When someone tells you you are overdoing it, remember that they are obsessed with you.

17. 68% of my Go Less skincare products consumers are men. Good appearance matters for men too.

18. When in doubt, become like Virat Kohli and hit people’s fears and opinions (balls) out of the stadium (space).

19. Consistency is the game changer in life and business.

20. Laagan is my favorite Hindi movie.

21. Anger, hatred, and jealousy are traits of animals that help them survive in the jungle. Make efforts to remain human every moment.

22. I don’t hate being below average anymore.

23. Women must know their rights; it doesn’t matter if they use them or not.