Our Relationships are our mirror of self

You receive exactly what you give out in the world.

Nothing more. Nothing lessโ€Šโ€”โ€ŠMe

I write this today confidently only because this year had been a fantastic learning experience for me. Last year I lost some good friends and in return found some awesome friends. This yearโ€™s birthday broke my myth that I am bad at making friends. It also broke my deep-rooted belief that relationships are complicated and people out there in the world are difficult to love and trust.

With a belief system like that, I always faced complex situations, challenging relationships, betrayals, and unfulfilled outcomes. I was turning out into becoming a chef with a perfect recipe for disaster. The ingredients used came from low-quality harvest and the composition of the dish was prepared on pride and never for the customer. With culinary skills like that, I always ended up serving a dish to my relationships that focused on gains and not value. The problem with this mind-set was that I felt limited. I operated mostly from the background of fear, judgments, or protecting myself from hurt. This lead to a constant conflict of how much to give and take in relationships and it started becoming more like a trade in my world. Although everything seem to be balanced and fair in my inner world, things didnโ€™t seem to be the same in the outer world as most of my relationships would lead to a rabbit hole of despair.

Over time, living like this was confusing and hurting. Mending old relationships and building new ones became difficult to sustain because the belief system was based on trade and not love. It was until I stepped back that and realized that all my relationships are nothing but reflections of me. When I believed in sourcing my joy and happiness from others I could find my relationship built on expectations causing extreme pains and turmoil. Because I wanted to now source my feeling being complete from my relationships through โ€˜expectationsโ€™. Anything that makes us incomplete is something we either try to fix or disown and I did it too for many years.

Expectations are dissolved only through compassion. When we are compassionate towards self and the other in a relationship all the hate, pain and turmoil disappear on their own. When we accept that the other was never the source of love, happiness, and joy but itโ€™s you then life gives you exactly the same what you asked for in your relationship. Nothing less. Nothing more.


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