Life is a wave

Have you ever wondered why we feel good about ourselves on a day where we are taking positive actions and then next day we don’t like the way we are and stop those actions. Someday we feel our life is on track and suddenly off track the other day. We choose to bring the man and woman in our life one day and then suddenly choose to separate. We earn the money one day and then we gamble or spend the same money incorrectly, just to lose it. It is like having two voices in our mind which tells us to construct things one day and destroy the same thing the other day and this experience is kind of painful.

Why do sometimes a person with all the capacity build a beautiful home and then suddenly destroys the same house with wrong financial decisions, leaving the members at mercy. I have been reviewing my own habits too on how there have been moments in my life where I followed my heart, constructed few brilliant things and at the same time destroyed it without thinking and burned all the boats, just be in chaos and despair.

These questions has been there in my mind for many years and it had become important for me to find an answer to this dualism in human behaviour.

What I discovered through my research and observation completely changed not only how I work now but also how I live my life.

We human live our life in a pattern form. This pattern is like a waveform of ups and downs. We tend to build things at certain level and then exactly with the same amount of energy we put to break it down. It is like the highs and the lows are exactly the same. This too high or too low of exact amount quantifies the quality of life into an average sum total of those highs and lows. If understood well, the wave pattern can be helpful to see the conflict in behaviour of the person we are now (down) and the person we want to become (up). It can act as a marker to know what behaviour brings the highs and so that you continue feed that behaviour whereas the downward wave can help you warn of the turns to catch yourself and correct it.

This was such an illuminating discovery for me because I began see this wave form as not only as a metric to my quality of life but also the quality of my overall well-being. This helped me understand that there is a constructive and destructive side of me that is either pulling me up to have a winning performance or a side that will be depressed and wished to give up on the goals. This catching of the turns and feeding of the highs of the wave helps one explode out of the water.

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